

So in order to learn how Path Scatter in Dash works you can either watch this tutorial 👆 or read the summary of the video 👇
Getting Started
To use Path Scatter, you need to open Unreal Engine 5 and then Dash. The first step is to create a curve that will define your path and since Dash is prompt-based, you can just type "draw" to open up the Curve Tool. Then you can just draw the curve you want. If the shape has too many vertices, you can adjust the number by holding control and dragging with the middle mouse button. This allows you to add or reduce vertices according to your needs. In order to close the Curve Tool/drawing mode, just hit enter or esc.  

Using Path Scatter
Next, you will need to type "path" to bring up the Path Scatter tool. As with most tools in Dash, the window needs to be fully expanded to display all the available options on screen without scrolling. To start, ensure that your curve is selected and add it to the list of active curves in Path Scatter. Then, select an object in the world and add it to the active scatter list. This will automatically populate the path with a default set of parameters.

Adjusting the minimum and maximum scale of the meshes can make them more visible. Additionally, you can control the density of the scattered assets and change how the meshes are oriented by altering the look at mode and pivot points. The smooth option is used to smooth out the path of the scattered assets without physically changing the curve it is attached to.

Working with Path Scatter
Path Scatter can be used with various objects to create interesting effects. For example, you can use path scatter to create a road by placing traffic cones along a curve and adjusting the density of the scatter. Width can be used to create an outline of the curve using scatter meshes, resulting in a visual road you can work with. Path Scatter can also be used on underlying surfaces such as terrain, allowing the meshes to be projected onto the surface in real time.

Other features of Path Scatter include the ability to change the rotation of scattered objects using the spin option. By adjusting the rotation override, you can create unique and interesting variations in the environment. Scale jitter adds randomized scaling to the scattered assets, while smooth can be used to fine-tune their position. Playing around with these settings allows you to achieve the desired results..

Use Case
You can create a wooden boardwalk by drawing a curve using the draw tool and then using Path Scatter to place objects such as wooden planks along the curve. By adjusting the sides and width, you can transform the planks into a terrain-covering boardwalk. Adding variation with spin, scale jitter, and sink helps break up repetition and adds visual interest to the environment.

The Path Scatter tool has a lot of useful settings and parameters in order for you to create whatever you need, whether it is actual paths or scattering cliffs in order to create a large cliff wall. Make sure to check the video above if you want to see all the parameters explained.
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/ The Polygonflow Team