Dash is a new and immersive approach to world building.
Let’s take a look at the creative process with Dash!

Utility Actions

Select Nearby & Above

If you select an object and run one Select Nearby or Select Above, Dash will automatically find what objects make sense to select select them for you! Saving you tons of clicks when moving around several objects.

Tool Presets

Every tool can have its properties saved as a preset, making it easy to reuse your favorite presets, or share them with others!

Export Assets as ZIP

Sharing specific content from a UE project, whether it’s a material, a texture or a whole scene, is an annoying process. We’ve made this action to make it as simple as it can be: select your assets in the UE content browser, type “asset export” in the Dash prompt bar, hit Enter, and you’ll be able to save your asset and all its dependencies in a ZIP file.

No need to create an empty project in which to migrate it to. Just zip it, and send it wherever you want.

Project Below

Moves selected objects down towards whatever surface are beneath them.

Random Swap

Randomly swaps the positions of the objects selected.

Random Deselect

Reduces number of selected objects by 50%

Freeze Affected Tools

Freezes all tools that are affected by the selected actors

Reimport Assets

Reimport the sources of the selected asset in the Engine Content Browser

Remove from Physics

Remove selected from the physics scene

Set Collision

Turns on/off collision on the selected actors

Toggle Instancer Selectability

Makes HISM components selectable/unselectable. This is useful for scatter instances for example.

Unfreeze Affected Tools

Unfreezes all tools that are affected by the selected actors